“Keep yourselves from Idols.” I John 5:21

As we conclude our study of 1 John, we come to the last verse, the last comment, in this Apostle’s Epistle.  He said, “Dear Children, keep yourselves from idols.” 1 John 5:21

Webster defines ‘idol’ as: “an image of a god used as an object of worship; any object of ardent or excessive devotion”.  To be into idolatry is “1. worship of idols, 2. excessive reverence for or devotion to a person or thing.”  To idolize is to “glorify, adore, canonize, to love or admire excessively, to worship”.
Mankind will worship.  It is in our DNA to worship.  Of course the worship of what is right is what God intends for us. That is why He created that space in our soul. In the preceding verses to John’s command to keep ourselves from idols, he said, “We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know Him who is true.  And we are in Him who is true – even in His Son Jesus Christ .  He is the true God and eternal life.” (1 John 5:20)
When we know Him who is true; when He is in us and we are in Him through faith in Christ Jesus; when we worship Him as priority one each day, we will have no problem saying no to any idol that the enemy tries to get our focus on. The enemy uses ‘things’, ‘people’, ‘activities’, ‘careers’, ‘the love of money’, and the list goes on, to capture our minds, our hearts, our affections and devotions.  He knows if he can get our focus on these things, we will pursue them, or it, instead of a journey with the true God.  Our true God does not need our devotion to Him, but He knows we need Him. He loves us, and wants us to have all that He has for us. Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all things you have need of will be given to you.” (Mt 6:32-33)  He wants us to walk in perfect health, and divine wealth, and for our every need to be met. Father has provided these things through Christ Jesus. False idols take from us – Jesus gives to us ‘abundantly’. (John 10:10) “On earth as it is in heaven.”  (Mt 6:10)
We celebrate Memorial Day this weekend.  Thank you, and bless you, past and present and future members of our Military.  It is sad that we have to fight,  but there is a battle that goes on.  There is good and evil, right and wrong, and those we have to protect.  The battle is the Lord’s, but He uses people in addition to the Heavenly Warriors.  May those who have served our country in the past, and who serve now, be blessed with respect and honor, and with all needs met.
May you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Abba Father, His Sweet Holy Spirit, and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, God’s Beloveds .  To Him be glory both now and forever.  Amen.
Poppa B.
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