“Seek first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness” Matt 6:33

Each day is a stand alone day.  Yes, all the days and decisions lived in and made before today, made us into who we and what we Are today in body, soul and spirit, and yes we have plans and goals for tomorrow,  but today is the day where we are on this journey.  As the Word says, “This is the day the Lord has made;  let us rejoice and be glad in it.” In “IT”.        This is IT.  This is the Now.  This is all we have.  How do we live it to the full?

Is it possible to rejoice and be glad in every day?  Yes.  He would not have told us to do so unless it is.  How do we do that if we are hurting from yesterday?
We simply purpose to live in today – not the past – and not worried about the tomorrows.
Each day we get to begin again.  All mistakes erased.  All bad decisions gone. A brand new day to walk with Him, and His righteousness and to grow and learn from Him.   Here is how Jesus said to begin each day.  He said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all things you need will be given to you as well. ”  What we think we need,and what God Knows we need may be two different things, but trust Him to know what we need.
We know that we live in a body of flesh, and we know we have to chose to live in power over it.  It can lead us to depression, and worry, and anxiety, and fear if we do not control it because the enemy is trying to.   The Good News is,  2 Timothy, 1:7, tells us that we have that power of the Holy Spirit within us to do so.  And we do it the same way Jesus did when the enemy tried to take away His joy and purpose, and who He is. Matthew 3:13 thru 4:11 – with the Word.
So let let us make our first thoughts in the morning be of His loving presence.  Capture any that are not, and give them to Him.  2 Corinthians 10:5. When we trust Him, and walk in His kingdom of Light and Love with Him,  we will walk in His righteousness and His peace, and all that He is.  We shall rejoice and be glad in Him every day.  He shall meet our every need.  We shall be empowered to meet the needs of others.
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