“A new command I give you: Love one another.” John 13:34

Hello Beloveds of God. ?

The Lord had been leading and teaching His disciples for several years at the time of this particularly special Passover Festival. They did not know it would be their last time together; that it would later be spoken of as “the Last Supper,” but He was giving them things they would need to know and do, and teaching them non-stop at the Celebration. In John 13:4-17, we are told of Him washing their feet, and encouraging us to do the same so we see that no one is greater than anyone else. He said, “I am who I am. Very truly I tell you, whoever accepts anyone I send accepts Me, and whoever accepts Me accepts the One who sent Me.”  We are never to think, or act as if anyone is beneath or above us. We are to Love each other regardless of stature, or being. As He said, “I Am who I Am,” Jesus put Himself at the Spiritual level of the Holy Father, and the Holy Spirit. We are to Love each other as He loves each of us, putting ourselves on the same level as everyone in the world we are in.

Christ spoke much at this last Supper, and He was very specific since time was short for Him. He said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my Disciples; if you love one another.” John 13:34-35.
There are several meanings to the one word – LOVE.  Much of the Bible was ancient Greek. The Greeks used the word ‘Love’ as “Philia,” meaning friendship Love. They used it as “Eros,” meaning sexual and erotica Love. They used it as “Pragma,” meaning committed, married Love. They used it as “Philautia,” meaning self-Love. They used it as “Stergo,” meaning the Love a parent has for their children, or the Love husbands and wives have for each other. They used the word “Agape,” as God’s Love.  They taught and believed “Agape” Love is a Word produced by God. It means it is a Love that creates concern for another’s welfare. It is a sacrificial, unconditional Love. “Agape” is how we are loved by Him, spiritually speaking.
Jesus commanded us to “Agape” one another. He said when we do this, everyone will know we are His. When we show concern for another’s welfare, when we display a sacrificial act for someone else, we are showing “Agape” Love. God’s spoken and shown Love for us. Let us live in this Command daily. As we begin our day let us be aware of who we are, and who we represent as we follow His Command at every opportunity.
Blessings and Love upon you and all those who are a part of your life each day, Beloveds of God.  Let us think, speak, encourage, and display who we are in Agape Love as we live for Him.
Poppa B.?
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