May we ever see and walk in The Path of Life and Joy.

Hello Sweet Children of our Lord of Love.?

Many things are going on right now, some good and some very bad as we walk in the effects of this horrible virus.  It has taken the lives of hundreds of thousands, and while we have healing and relief coming, it continues to wreak horrible things at this time. It is very important that we do the best we can to protect ourselves, and others, as best as we know how, and how we are taught as we travel on.  The Most important thing for us to do daily, is to walk closely with our Lord of Love on and in the path of “Life” and Joy.  We must maintain our faith and peace in Him daily and fully for ourselves, and to share with others as we journey on.  We do this in the Joy and Truth of His Word.  We do this in reading and believing, and speaking His Words.  We do this as we declare and show who we are in Him. We are the “Apple of His eye.”  He delights in us.   Let us ever delight in HIM through, and in, His Promises. One of His beautiful promises that I love was spoken and penned by King David.  It says:
“Lord, You have assigned me my position and my cup; You have made my lot secure.  The Boundary Lines have fallen for me in pleasant places:  surely I have a delightful inheritance.  I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.  I have set the Lord always before me.”  (Psalm 16: 5-8)
Words of Promise as to who the Lord is and what He does for us every day brings us Peace as we believe.  It keeps us on the path of Life and Joy.  Let us be ever mindful to put His Word into our mind and heart daily in Some Way. This is where our abundant power flows from.  As His Word says in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us Power, and Love, and Self Discipline”   This is who we have, this is who we are in HIM. Let us be constantly aware of what our Lord of Love is doing for us with every breath.  How greatly Blessed we are.
Have a wonderful day in every way, Beloveds of God..?  Bring abundant Life and Joy as you live the Word in His grace, and mercy.  We will not be perfect, but His Love will be.
Love you so very much.?
Poppa B
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