At one time or another, almost all of us receive some very disturbing news about something or someone in our lives.  When bad things happen, many of us struggle in our minds as we search for meaning or, at the very least, an explanation of some kind.  Though we have purposed that no matter how we feel we will trust the Lord, tears often flow, and the age-old question of “Why?” rears it its age-old head. If that happens, let us take comfort in a truth that someone wrote, “The Book of Job teaches us to trust God, not only WHEN we do not understand, but BECAUSE we do not understand.”  That is a truth that can be a guiding light that calms us as we enter the unknown territory of very difficult circumstances.

Let us remind ourselves that the ongoing struggle with many of life’s toughest questions must at times, just be laid on the altar before God and left there for Him to deal with.  We may not see or receive the answers to all of our questions on this side of heaven, but we have to remember that we have limited vision.  Because of that, we can choose to accept by faith that God is working behind the scenes in our lives, whether we are aware of it or not, and that we can trust Him with the unanswered questions that may plague us.  Just as an experienced pilot flies by Instruments Only when he cannot see during a storm, the Christian in a blinding storm of sadness and pain must rely on certain “instruments,” too, which are God’s Word, His Promises, His Proven Love through Christ Jesus, and His Holy Spirit.  Though we may not have all of the answers, His Word teaches us that we must not lean to our own understanding, but rather simply trust Him.  He is the true answer, and our hope always, and we can comfort ourselves with knowing that.
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