“All of the Promises of God are ‘YES’ in Christ.”

In the Holy Spirit, The Apostle Paul wrote: ” For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ.  And so through Him the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God.  Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ.  He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.””2 Corinthians1:20-22

The Holy Trinity speaks to us in these passages of scripture.  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit say Jesus is the great ‘YES’;  He is the great AMEN in every promise made to man.  I know you join me in saying,  “Thank You, Wonderful Beautiful, God of Love.”
I sometimes feel like the ‘chief of sinners’ when I blow it so bad I am shocked, and saddened at what I allowed myself to say or do.  The fact that what I did hurt one someone I love, literally pains me in my soul.  But as I go to the Lord in prayer over it, He receives me, and loves me, and assures me He has taken care of that which I so detest, and am so sorry for.  He reminds me that I walk in His righteousness, not mine.  That I walk in His undeserved, unmerited favor. That I walk in the Covenant of Grace that He made possible.
His Love, and Grace then inspires me to endeavor to live every moment in the Spirit, and in His power and love.  To keep my eyes on my great Shepherd who will keep me on the right path.  To be thankful for His blood, and forgiveness.  To know that ‘by His wounds I am healed’ from every infirmity, every disease. From every iniquity, every weakness of the flesh,and of the soul. To know that He who raised Jesus from the dead, and who is in me will quicken me, spirit, soul, and body as I look to Him to go on.
The enemy would like nothing better than to shut us down and hear us say,”I just keep blowing it, so why try.”  May that never happen.  As we read Romans 7, and 8, we see the struggles of man.  We also see the answers, and promises that He is with us through it all, and that the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is interceding for us to the Father.  The Lord picks us up, dusts us off, and says “You can do this.  I am with you. I will never leave you. I lead the way – I have your back. Get back in there.  I need you.”
These are promises that we can look at, and hold on to, and read again, and again, because they are in His Word.  Jesus Is The Word.  He spoke life into all things.  His Word speaks life into every situation. His Word has the answer to it.  He has a promise for it.
There is a little handbook on the Promises of God entitled, “The Bible Promise Book.”  It has over 1,000 Promises, and covers 70 topics from Anger to Worry. This was published over 25 years ago, and I am sure there have been other variations published since then.  But if you do not have something that has been compiled, and you have an issue and you need to know what The Lord has to say about it, just go to your Bible’s Concordance and jot the references down.  Go search the references, and let The Lord speak to you through them.
To quote from the Promises Book, it says:  “Whatever the need for the moment, the answer is to be found in Scripture, if we take the time to search for it.”  The Lord has a Word for us.  It is a Promise that is ours to have as we look to Him in faith, and trust, and He says, “Yes”.
“For the Lord is good and His love endures forever, His faithfulness continues through all generations.” Psalm 100:5
You are greatly blessed, highly favored, and deeply loved, God’s Beloveds.
Poppa B.,
Abundant Life Christian Fellowship, on Line.
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