Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to all of our Fathers who have children of the flesh, and to all who have children of the heart as well.  Congratulations on being in a position that holds such honor, but carries with it such great responsibilities.

It is very easy to become a father, but it is very difficult at times to be a godly father, and a Dad that is always there for his children.
Someone said, “The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.”  Amen to that.   Fathers are to love their children’s mother as Christ loves the Church.  The body of the Church, the bride of Christ, can be willful, and judgmental, and uncooperative at times, but still the Lord patiently loves her (us), with an unconditional love.  So it is to be when we father a child, or accept responsibility for one. The father is to be there.  Not walking away from his responsibility to that child.  Not leaving his job of being the covering over the family to his wife, or someone else, unless it is impossible to do so.
Fathers are to be the example of the heavenly Father’s love here on earth.  So many children are lost in darkness because of the lack of a loving Dad in the home.  I know of one lad whose Dad walked away from his Mom, and him, and his sister.  The Mom later married a man that whipped him, and abused him so badly he wound up bound up in fear and anxiety, and now can barely function as an adult. Consequently he finds it very hard to believe in his heavenly Father’s love because the fathers he has known have hurt him so deeply.
May we as fathers take seriously the fact that we have been given the opportunity to demonstrate the true love of a father to our children.  Let us show the grace, and mercy, and kindness that we are shown by our heavenly Father as we teach, and guide, and provide a loving caring safe home for them to grow up in, and come back to when they have set out on their own.  May our children always see us as a source of wisdom and knowledge and understanding and concern for their well being.
 As Paul wrote in his letter to the Ephesians, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)  That is: teach them to love the Lord, and to love others as they love themselves; and to do unto others as they would have others do unto them; and to walk in peace knowing a loving Father in heaven is always working for their good.
Happy Father’s Day, Dads, Step Dads, Foster Dads, Dads of the heart.  May the Lord bless you, and keep you.  May He make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you.  May He turn His face toward you, and help you to be the Dad you were called to be.
Now may we all – Dads, Moms, and Children of all ages – give thanks and say “Happy Father’s Day” to our heavenly Father for the love, and grace, and mercy He has shown unto us through the miraculous work of Christ Jesus, and for always being there for us through the Holy Spirit within. Whether we were blessed to have a great Dad, or one who forsake us, or abused us, the love of our Heavenly Father is held out to us. He will never leave us or forsake us. He is the perfect Father.  Let us receive it, and rejoice in His love.
In Him we are greatly blessed, highly favored, and deeply loved, God’s Beloveds.
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