You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation – 1 Peter 2: 9

When we accept Christ Jesus as Lord, and Savior, we begin to realize we are a very special person with a very special call.  The transformation of us may be very slow or it may come quickly, but we begin to become like Him in our life’s walk. That’s the goal anyway. We become “a new creation”; things that mattered before may not, and things that did not matter before do now…

As the Word says, “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”
We begin to realize we are “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation” with things to do in this life that may not have occurred before.

It might be that we’re impressed with a strong desire to help others through prayer. Or we may want to help others through physical work or by passing on wisdom that will help others with what they think or do. These “impressions” come to our spirits from the Spirit of our Lord of Love who desires we use what He has given us to help those in need. As a royal priest, that’s what He was always doing. Helping.”
My daughter and my son both have gone through evolutions leading to revelations in lives that were not always pretty. But such is the case for us all. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who has not sinned as He walked in this life. But what I see in them now, as they have matured, is beautiful. They are certainly human but are wonderful in the way they give of themselves to others after all they’ve learned in their trials. My daughter is a great counselor as a result of her transformation. Words are given to her from our Lord that she shares with those who call on her. I watch it help them in beautiful ways. The same is true of my son. He has many people that look to him for their needs and he freely shares his own hard won answers in attempts to help. They’ve learned from the things they went through, and it took a long time but, today, the Lord points people to them for His Word, and for other ways to “be there”. The point is they assume responsibility as part of God’s chosen people – as we all must.
In addition, and I’ve left out so much regarding their dedication to others, plus I’m bragging a little out of gratitude, they both look after their Mom and Dad in ways that are absolutely beautiful. Unimaginable ways.
But it means they sometimes do not have time for themselves. Leading to another responsibility we have in this role. Like all who serve, I caution them to be careful to care for themselves first. To remember all the people in their lives that need them. This is true for each of us as we walk as His “royal priests.”
The Lord always wants us to exist in peace by remembering to take time for ourselves. And to spend time in communion with Him. We all have our rituals and this is sometimes hard to do in a busy world with our busy lives but it is a “must do” if we want to be our best while serving. We have to keep balance in our lives to keep our minds open to what the Lord has for each of us to do.
May each of us give what is needed for the health and well being of others, always remembering to keep health and well being for our individual needs a priority. We can help so many others if we do it right for ourselves first.
Always remember who you are, o’ chosen ones.
Love you so.?
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