Our message for the week is from Matthew 6: 25 – 33, and Matthew 7: 7- 8.
In the many things Jesus taught in His beautiful Sermon on the Mount, He taught us to ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK.  He said, “Ask for what you need.  Seek what you need.  Knock on the door of who and what you need.”  He was teaching us to come to Him for all things needed –  asking, seeking, and knocking on His door. We must never hesitate to ASK, SEEK, or KNOCK as we go through the day.  Many times we simply do not have because we do not ASK, or SEEK, or KNOCK on the door that has what we need, waiting for us to come into it.
Just before the Lord Jesus taught on getting to what we need through asking, seeking, and knocking, He was teaching us about living life without worry.  He said, “Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life: what you will eat or drink; or about your body; what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?”  He told us Our Father knows what we need, and will provide it as we ASK, and trust Him to do so.  He said, “Seek first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness, and all things we have need of will be given.”  Matthew 6: 33
For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; to the one who knocks the door will be opened.”   Matthew 7: 8
As we look at these beautiful promises, we realize the “Best of the Best” is ours, and is in us already.  We realize we have been given access and ownership of everything we could ever need.  It has been given to us by and through the amazing finished work and Power and Love of our Christ Jesus, and the Love and Power of our Heavenly Father, and amazing Holy Spirit of Power and Love living within us.
So as we go through each day, and the things that day may bring, let us live it in the promises that are ours.  Let us ASK, for what we need as we need it.  Let us SEEK what we need in Him where we know we will find it.  Let us KNOCK on the door where He is, where we know the answer is – Believing, and Trusting Completely His Words – and as we do, these things Shall come forth in His time, in His Way.
I love each of you so very much.  Thanks again for the wonderful Birthday wishes, and for the Love you sent to me through them. Blessings and Love upon each of you, and yours.
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