For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. John 3:16

We have just celebrated the birth of Jesus, son of Mary – Son of God.  He was born as a son of man from His virgin Mother Mary. God was His Father.  Son of man, Son of God. The only Begotten. Born out of love of the Father for His children.  Born to be the Light of the world. Born to be the Christ.  Born to be our great Shepherd.  Born to lead us back to who we were created to be in the beginning.  Born to restore us to everlasting life – reigning through Him.

The Scriptures tell us these things.  It is by faith that we believe them – it is by faith that we receive them.
The Scripture says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.”
John 3: 16, 17.
To believe in Christ Jesus is to believe in God’s love for us – each of us – all of us.  WHOEVER believes in His Son, God receives without exception – without condition. To believe in Christ Jesus is to trust Him with our lives, and walk with Him in His love. To believe in Christ Jesus is to be in ‘relationship’ with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  To believe in Christ Jesus is to believe His Word, and to believe He IS the Word. To believe in Christ Jesus gives us the privilege to walk in His kingdom on this earth in His light.          John 3: 19 says: “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world.”  He came to Light the Way.
As we go forth into the New Year, may we let it be a time to begin again if we missed the marks, and goals we had set for ourselves this past year.  Let us set our goal to begin each day with the Lord in our spirit, our soul, and our body.   Let us rejoice and be glad that we too are sons and daughters of man – sons and daughters of God – through faith in Jesus Christ. We are One in Him as we are baptized by the Holy Spirit and born again into new Life. Children of man – Children of God.  Let us realize that we can ‘Partner’ with our Lord to achieve His goals, and Our goals.  Let us trust Him in faith that we are going in the right direction if we are traveling with Him.  He always knows the Way.
When I was in the U.S. Navy, I was privileged to be assigned to a LSD.  It was a large Ship that carried landing ships, and took our troops to battle by becoming a Landing Ship Dock in the ocean.  We would ballast down, and let the smaller Landing Ships take troops and supplies to the beach.  We were also used in emergencies to take food and water to places like Chile when they were devastated by storms and earth quakes.  We sailed into many places we had never been before.  But when we sailed into a new Port, our Captain would bring on board a ‘Pilot’.  This was a person that knew the waters, and the safe routes to take.  Someone the Captain could trust to see us through – he knew the way. The Captain would look to the Pilot, and Partner with him to get us where we needed to be.
As we begin our New Year, let us always remember we are not on this journey alone. We will be sailing into unknown waters and ports as we travel on;  but God, through His love, has given us His only Begotten to be our Savior, to be our Pilot – if we ask, and trust.
Let us be encouraged to ask Him, and trust Him, and to ‘Partner’ with Him in all things.  We are co-Creators.  God said, “Let us make man in our image.’  He is a creator, so are we.  Let us create wonderful things with Him in this New Year.
HAPPY NEW YEAR, my Brothers and my Sisters, Saints of the Lord.
Blessings of perfect health, and great prosperity upon each of you, God’s Beloveds.
I love you.
Poppa B.
Abundant Life Christian Fellowship, On Line
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