“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High.” Psalm 91: 1

One of the most comforting psalms in the Bible for me is Psalm 91.

The author of Psalm 91 is probably David, but many believe Moses penned these gentle words of reassurance.  In whichever case, the psalmist beautifully speaks of God’s mercy and protection for believers who “dwell in the secret place of the Most High.”   The implication is that those believers actually live their lives and and live their love in the Lord comfortably, for He is their habitation, He Is their comfort.  Dwelling in that place is safety itself, for nothing shall really hurt them there.  These promises are assurance that God has them fully covered, again remembering the secret place under His Wings.
In verse 15 the psalmist reminds the believers that God is with them even in trouble and trials, for the believers may already be aware that victory in life is not always gained by being pampered on feather beds.  Indeed, victory is won because these believers are covered by His feathers!  At times, trouble befalls us all, but He promises divine protection because it is His Word and Truth that lovingly shields those under His Wings in that “place of comfort.”
I encourage you to take a few minutes if you will and read the 91st Psalm. You will find yourself going back to it time and time again because there is no better place to be than that place.
You are dearly loved.
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