A Light for our Path: Psalm 119:105

2016 is rolling.  As it starts to pick up steam, and get into full throttle, we must be sure everything is in place for a great ride, and that priorities are set.

We know we are on a journey through a world that is not our home.  We have been born into a time such as this by divine plan, and are here for a purpose.  It is our time to grow as a Child of God, and to represent the Love, and Light, and Grace of our Abba Father to a world that is confused about what is important.   Let us keep in mind, as the old hymn says, “We are just passing through”, and that every day matters regardless of where we are.
As with every new journey, and every day is a new journey, we can get to where we need to go if we have a map, or GPS.  And since we are traveling in a dark world that is disguised, we need a Light with which to see.  We can be so easily fooled into thinking this world is “where its at”, that we forget who we are, where we are, and what we are here for.
Please read Psalm 119 as you can, and very importantly, ‘meditate’ upon the words in it.  It is a praise for God’s Word.  It tells us so clearly and so beautifully that His Word is  a ” Lamp for our feet, and a Light for our path.”  (vs 105). It says, “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth.” (vs 103).  It is filled with wonderful descriptions of the blessings in the Word.  The Word, His Word, is our map – our GPS.  We are privileged to have it in writing for us to look to, and to ‘put into the face’ of the enemy.  To tell him, “It is written”, as Jesus did at His temptation.  It is a treasure beyond compare.
Most importantly,The Word is a written contract that states clearly that JESUS IS the Word. (John 1:1), and that He IS the Light. He said Himself, “I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”  (John 8:12)  Christ Jesus is the Light for our path.  As we read, and meditate upon the written Word, we meditate upon Him. The Holy Spirit will reveal the truth, the way, and the life in it.  He shall give us the Power of Love (2 Ti 1:7) to accomplish our purpose, as we walk in the presence of the Lord, and in His victory.
Blessings and love upon each of you, God’s Beloveds,  my Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus.
Poppa B.
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