“Blessed is the man.” Psalm 1:1

The Word says, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.  But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night.  He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. (Psalm 1: 1-3)

The Word says the Lord will bless us when we refuse to live in the ways of the flesh.  For instance if we feel someone is not treating us right, we do not take counsel from someone who is advising us to “Get right in their face, and straighten them out!”  Or says, “You need to do this and this to get that Guy stated!”  Instead we need to take counsel from someone who says, “Lets pray about that and ask the Lord to show us the best way to handle it.”
The Word says we should delight – that is rejoice and take pleasure in going to His law and meditating upon it day and night.  The law of Christ is to love one another.  When we meditate upon His love for us, He will lead us and guide us to make good decisions as we respond.
The Lord says when we meditate upon His love for us we become like a tree planted by streams of water –  that is provided a constant supply of what we need.  We shall yield fruit in its season – that is God’s goodness coming through us. He says our leaves will not wither – that is we shall always be green and growing and beautiful to behold.  He tells us too that whatever we do shall prosper. Sounds like some strong reasons to seek good counsel, meditate upon His Word, and not sit in the seat of mockers.
Each of us need people in our lives who we know will give us good counsel because they walk with the Lord and they sincerely care about us. They may be a friend, a mentor, a bible teacher, or a member of the family.  I recently received some awesome counsel from my Daughter that helped me greatly.  In the past I have received excellent counsel from my wife, my son and other good friends as well.  They care. They have my best interest at heart.  Let us receive good counsel from people, from the Scripture, but most importantly from the Lord as we pray, and hear what He has to say.
 You are greatly loved, and greatly treasured by our Father, our Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, my Friends.  Be blessed by His Words.
Poppa B.
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