“He came to Jesus at night.” John 3:2

As we continue our study of the Gospel of John, we pick up at verse 1, of Chapter 3.  Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle writes:

“Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council.  He came to Jesus at night and said, ‘Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God.  For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”  (John 3: 1-2)
The Apostle presents a picture of a man who was seeking to know Jesus, but because of his status in the community, and because the Pharisees as a group were jealous of Jesus and were opposed to Him, and he was a Pharisee, the man went to Jesus in the cover of darkness.
The name of Jesus sparked controversy in the community at that time, and so it does today.  It is sad that even in this great nation that stands for religious freedom, the name of Jesus brings out the enemy hiding under the name of ‘political correctness’.  Other ‘religions’ can be ‘studied’ in our schools, but a study of the Bible which tells the story of Jesus Christ is largely banned from the class room.  Many retail companies forbid their employees from saying “Merry Christmas”.  They must say,”Happy Holidays”.  We are not to say, “Christmas Tree”, we are to say “Holiday Tree”.  We are not to say “Christmas Break” at School, we are to say “Winter Break.”   And the list goes on.
The good news here is the fact that Nicodemus did go to Jesus.  Even though it was politically incorrect for him, and could have cost him his position on the ruling council,  he went.  He saw the signs Jesus was performing, and heard the Good News of the coming kingdom of God preached, and felt the Holy Spirit touching his heart convicting him that this man was truly from God, and so he took the risk.  It was at night, but as we move through the Gospel of John we will see this man move into the light, and show himself to the world as one who loves Jesus.
There may be apprehension in us sometimes as to telling others about our love for Jesus.  Even though He may have changed our lives with His presence within, we may still find it difficult to share that fact openly with others.  Not to worry.  Just do the best you can.  Just give yourself to the Holy Spirit to speak through you when the opportunity is brought to you by our Heavenly Father.  As we know, those whom He chose as Disciples, and had personally walked with and trained, and performed miracle after miracle in front of, ran away the first time they had the chance to stand up for Him. But that changed as they went forward.  So it does for us.  If we just keep coming back, and opening our heart to Him, He will take care of that.
May we tell the Good News to our Brothers and our Sisters as the Lord opens that opportunity up to us. Even if it is a quiet word of encouragement spoken saying “Jesus loves you.”  That is truth.  Speak truth into your world, and Light will come out of the darkness of the world.  For God will be with you.
Blessings and love, health, and prosperity upon you, and yours, God’s Beloveds.
Poppa B.
Abundant Life Christian Fellowship, On Line
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