“He will quiet you with His love.” Zephaniah 3:17

There are times in our lives when we feel very alone.  When it seems that we are of little value to most people.  That we are not seen for who, and what, we are.  When it seems that people we love are leaving us out of their lives, and we wonder why.  We become anxious, and worried and fearful because of it.  Those are draining, and depressing and dark thoughts.  They are robbers of peace.  They steal and destroy our joy.  They can can cause us to say things, and do things that take away our testimony.  But there is good news.

The good news is those are just thoughts, and victory in Christ Jesus is ours when we walk in ‘truth’ instead of wrong thoughts.   When we choose to believe the Word instead of thoughts of rejection, and anxiety we will walk in victory over the enemy every day.  When we realize thinking we are not loved and appreciated are thoughts that are a favorite tactic of the evil one we can take charge, and walk in victory over him through Christ Jesus.  These are the same tactics he tried to use on Jesus as we see in (Matthew 4: 1-11).  If he can trick us into thinking those kinds of thoughts, the results are exactly what he is looking for.  The Word says in (Psalms 94:11), “The Lord knows the thoughts of man: He knows they are futile.”   The Lord knows our thoughts, but all the enemy knows are the reactions he sees from the “flaming arrows” he shoots at us. That is why we must keep the shield of faith, and the full armor of God in place at all times. (Ephesians 6:10-18)
Let us listen for the peace and sweetness of the Word.  “He will quiet us with His Love.”  That is what is real.  The bad thoughts are made up stories that will fill our minds if we allow it.  Listen to our Lord.  He is truth.  He is Love.  Let us accept nothing less than His presence, and His perfection.  Let us walk in His grace, and mercy, and unconditional love.  Let us not walk in bad thoughts and stories, but rather in truth.  Let us always be in control of our thoughts, and make them productive and strength building.  Let us make (Philippians 4:8) our mantra of thoughts.
Have a wonderful day, blessed in all things and in all ways, God’s Beloveds.
You are greatly Loved, my Brothers and my Sisters.  Rejoice in this truth –  He has made this day for us to be glad in.  He has given us the Holy Spirit to make it so.  Accept nothing less.
Poppa B.
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