Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life.” John 11: 25

When Jesus was captured, and taken into custody, we saw strange things happen to the Apostles.  They had just eaten the Passover Supper with the Lord Jesus.  He had washed their feet, and gave them final teachings, and they had sworn allegiance to Him to the death. But they scattered like frightened children when the authorities arrested Jesus.  Peter had a brief skirmish with his sword, but when the Lord told him to put it away, he took off as well.

We know the story of how Peter denied even knowing Jesus three times that night.  We hear nothing of any of the others during the mock trail, or during the beating the Lord took, nor as they led the Lord to the cross to kill Him. As far as we know, only John stood at the foot of the cross, and saw Him die.  The others evidently watched from afar so as not to be arrested and killed as well.
 His Apostles who had seen miracle after miracle performed – like thousands fed from a small basket of loaves and fish, lepers healed, limbs restored, blind people given sight, the Lord walking on water, and much much more did not believe enough to fight for Him, and ran away. But all of that changed when they saw the Lord come back to life.  They had seen Him brutally killed,  but here He stood among them restored to life in a body that was able to walk through walls, eat, and be where He wanted to be.   He had defeated death, and was raised to life as He told them would happen.  (Matthew 16:21)  (Matthew 17: 22-23)  He now had their full attention.
Before the Resurrection, the Apostles heard Jesus Himself say the words of what was going to happen to Him , but they did not believe it.  They heard Him tell Martha when Lazarus died that He was the Resurrection, but they did not believe it.   They were there when Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.  The one who believes in Me will live even though they die, and whoever lives by believing in Me will never die. Do you believe this?”  She said, “Yes Lord, I believe that You are the Messiah, the Son of God who is to come into the world.”  (John 11: 25-27)  They then saw Lazarus raised from the dead after he had been dead 4 days.  But they did not understand that Jesus Himself was the resurrection.
It was only after the Resurrection of Jesus that they were able to commit their life to Him, and to telling the Good News.  They came to realize that no matter what happened to them in this life, they would live forever.  Even though this mortal body will die, they would never die. The fear of death was removed from them.  They freely gave their lives to show the world their faith in Christ Jesus. That He indeed was the Messiah, and that He was the Son of God, and that eternal life was in Him.  So it is for us when we by faith believe it is.  The Holy Spirit baptizes us into oneness with Him, with a new body of purpose for us.
Let us receive this truth, and the oneness with Him, and be resurrected into this new body of purpose within  – now.  Yes we will be resurrected when we die, but we can experience new life now.  We were dead in our trespasses and sins, but we can live the abundant life He came to give through faith in Him in the now.   Let us receive all of the benefits of living in His kingdom here on earth, which is within each of us who believe, and enjoy the born again resurrected life that He is.  Psalm 103: 3-5,  says, “He forgives all of our sins, heals all of our diseases, redeems our life from the pit, crowns us with love and compassion, and satisfies our desires with good things so that our youth is renewed as the eagle’s .”  This is living the resurrected born again life in Christ Jesus. He is the resurrection.  He is the Life.  Let us enjoy all that He is Now – realizing we this is only the tip of what is ours to come in the next resurrection.
Blessings of provision for your every need upon you and yours, God’s Beloveds.  You are greatly loved.
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