Memorial Day

Tomorrow we will celebrate Memorial Day. It is a day of honoring those who have laid down their lives in defense, and in Service and in love of our Country, and for those who are a part of it. We celebrate with a National Holiday of closed Schools, and Post Offices, and Banks, and many Businesses. We celebrate with Parades and Speeches, and B B Q, and Fun and Games. It evolved from “Decoration Day.” It started as a day to decorate the graves of the fallen in battle. It moved around to some different dates, but has now settled in on the last Monday of May, – officially entitled Memorial Day.

It is fitting and appropriate to celebrate Memorial Day. To proclaim and set aside a day to give thanks to the men and women for the ultimate sacrifice they gave to protect and bless those they love. It is a privilege, and should not be taken lightly because of the very heavy cost. Let us pray for those who are Family of the Fallen as we celebrate and give thanks to them. Let us rejoice in what we have been given with these sacrifices of love. l

Let us take this day to remember and honor also the fallen in the Service of our Lord. Peter is the first recorded saying unto Jesus, “I will lay down my life for you.” John 13:37. And though he struggled, and did not get it right the first time he had the opportunity, he did indeed lay down his life for the love of our Lord, and for all of us who would be a part of the kingdom of God. Many have followed. Many will continue to follow until the Lord comes again. Just as defending and saving our Country, and those we love is never ending, being the front line to tell the Good News that will save the world is never ending.

Let us carry on with what we are here to do. We are here, at this time by the Lord’s divine timing. We are here to stand for Him, and to bring the Good News. The Good News of what was done for God’s Children as Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself – layed down His life for us- so that we would forever be protected by His blood. The Word says, “For by one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made holy – in Him” Hebrews 10:14. Then He adds, “Their sins and lawless deeds I will remember no more. And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary.” Hebrews 10:17-18, Let us remember and rejoice each day in what we have been given with this Supreme Sacrifice of Love.

Have a sweet Lord’s Day today, and a wonderful Memorial Day as you remember. You are greatly Loved. ?

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