Temptation. 1 Corinthians 10:13

Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul wrote these words:  “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Paul was writing these words to Believers to help them when they were faced with temptation – for they were, as are we.  He spoke of the fact that our forefathers had seen the Red Sea parted.  They had seen a cloud protect them by day, and a pillar of fire warm them in the night.  They had seen water run from the spiritual rock (Jesus Christ)  that accompanied them.  They had been fed manna from heaven each day, and meat as was needed.  Yet even though all of the physical proof that could be needed was supplied to them, they turned to their own flesh and committed sexual immorality.  They grumbled about the journey forgetting where they were going, and where they had come from, and how they were being supplied with every need.  They worshiped idols and indulged in pagan revelry instead of worshiping the true and living God.(1 Cor 10:1-10)  Paul was telling the Believers of his day to be alert to the games of the tempter, the evil one.
So it is for us today.  Though we are saved through the blood of Jesus, and we are indeed a child of God; though we know the love that flows through us has changed us from following our flesh to letting the Spirit lead, (most days), we can still yield to temptation if we are not aware of what is happening when it is thrown at us as a fiery dart.  James warns us that there can still be evil desire within, (James 1:14), and we are not even aware of it. It can be hidden neatly away, even blind to us, because we still have to deal with the flesh. Temptation can come in many ways.  A second or third look that leads to thoughts that can take us down a road to wrong.  A word spoken that leads to gossip, and the pain that can follow.  An act of desiring something so strongly that it becomes an idol. And the list goes on.
But as Paul says, “God is faithful.” He knows the game, and is there for us.  He has provided a way out, and that way is Jesus.  Let us be so close to Him, so into the Word each and every day that the gate is up when temptation tries to come.
When we stand up under temptation that could lead to wrong; when we defeat the evil of it through Christ Jesus our Lord; peace, provision, protection, and joy are ours. Abundantly!
Be blessed in all things, and in all ways, God’s Beloveds.
Poppa B.
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