“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God…” Romans 8:28

Some years ago there was an article in the newspaper about a group of people in Austin who were asked to explain the most important lesson they had learned so far in their careers.  One man’s response spoke to me, and still does.  He was a karate instructor at that time, and he replied to this question by saying, “The most important lesson I have learned is that ‘THERE IS A PRESENT IN EVERY PROBLEM.'”

I believe that to be true because of the Word of God.  Whatever the problem, when we have given our selves, and our love to God, He will work it for our good, and our purpose.  We may not see it for a while, but we will in His time.
Our daughter was diagnosed today with a liver condition caused by an autoimmune attack upon the liver.  It has the potential to be bad.  But it also has the potential to be totally healed, and bring abundant blessings.  So says the Word.  I believe the Word, and will look at the truth in it which says, ” By the wounds of Jesus she is healed”  (Isaiah 53).  I will look at the truth rather than at something bad that could happen which are lies of the enemy.  I believe there is a ‘Present’ in it all which will be a beautiful site when it is revealed.
I say that based upon the Word, and my personal testimony which you have heard before.  I had an autoimmune attack upon my spine.  It was a time of suffering and pain for 40 years .  The diagnosis was a wheel chair by 65 and early death.  I decided to live life to the full one day at at time, give it all that I could and not slow down until it was time to go home.  The result was a very productive life, total healing through a broken back accident at 69, God’s provision of a fantastic Surgeon, and for the last several years – no pain.  I am now 78, and feel better than I did at 38.  The Lord has given me a fantastic ministry, and I am blessed to be a blessing.  I have been given the “Present”.  I would not trade places with anybody.
C.S. Lewis shared in his writings:  “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”  I think Zig Ziglar, the great motivational speaker, was referring to the same thing when he said, “Winners are not usually developed on feather beds.”  So, when faced with a challenge, let us stick with the Word.  May we never forget that ‘this too will be used for good by the God of Love.’ He sees the completed picture, we can only see the strokes on the painting thus far.  Trust the process.
Blessings and love to you, and yours, God’s Beloveds.   Walk in His perfect health, and His divine wealth of peace and prosperity in all things.  Trust His Purpose.
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