Many, many people seemingly are struggling with anxiety today.  Yes, we all have difficult situations to deal with from time to time, so I just want to share with you a few Scriptures that have been a source of calming, and peace and a balm of healing in my own life.  We do know that we can triumph always because He is our strength in any situation.

Dr. Charles Stanley speaks to this when he talks about contentment, and he points out that the Apostle Paul certainly discovered “that true and lasting contentment is found not in  things (or circumstances) but in a person.”  I encourage you to read these verses over and over OUT LOUD because you will find that HEARING your own voice again and again saying these verses will help your mind engage with the truth.  “Faith cometh by [what?] hearing.” So please hear yourself speaking God’s Word from you own mouth.
Let us say unto the Lord:   How amazing are your thoughts concerning me.  How vast is the sum of them!  Psalm 139:17
The Word says:  “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. ” Exodus 14:14
He says unto us:  “Be strong and courageous.  Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you.  He will not leave you or forsake you. “
Deuteronomy 31:6
He said:  “I hold you by your right hand — I, the Lord your God.  And I say to you, “Don’t be afraid.  I am here to help you.”  Isaiah 41:13
Jesus said:  “I am leaving you with a gift – – peace of mind and heart.  And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give.  So don’t be troubled or afraid. ” John 14:27
Let us say unto the Lord: You keep track of all my sorrows.  You have collected all my tears in Your bottle.  You have recorded each one in Your Book. Psalm 56:8
He says unto us:  “For you who revere my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings.  And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. ” Malachi 4:2
Jesus said, “What is impossible for people is possible with God.”  Luke 18:27
The Word says, “He heals the broken-hearted and bandages their wounds.” Psalm 147:3
Let us say unto the Lord: I will be glad and rejoice in Your unfailing love, for You have seen my troubles, and You care about the anguish of my soul. Psalm 31:7
                                              WITH GOD’S HELP WE WILL DO MIGHTY THINGS.  
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