“The Word of God lives in you.” 1 John

As we continue our journey through 1 John, in chapter 2, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle writes:

“I write to you dear children because your sins have been forgiven on account of His name.  I write to you, fathers, because you have known Him who Is from the beginning.  I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one.  I write to you dear children, because you have known the Father.  I write to you, fathers, because you have known Him who Is from the beginning.  I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the Word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one.” 1 John 2: 12-14
The Apostle writes the children of God, those who have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, to remind them of who they are.  We so often forget the fact that yes, we are sons and daughters of the flesh, but we are ALSO, and most importantly sons and daughters of God. Sadly we go about this life as a person who does not have God within.  We go about this life trying to do it all on our own.  We work ourselves “silly” because we are trying to compete with others in ‘the way of the world’, and forget we are not OF this world.  We forget that the Word tells us the “battle is the Lord’s”, ( 1 Samuel 17:49, and 2 Chronicles 20: 15-17), and run ahead of Him.
 When we put Him in front every day through prayer, and The Word of God who lives in us, (Hebrews 4: 12) ,He will deliver victory into our hands.  HE will – not by our might, intellect, or self will, HE will when we expect it because we believe in Him, and His promises.
Yes, we have to show up, but the victory of life is not on our shoulders. We must put our faith in Him: As David did when as a boy he struck down a giant, and as king Jehoshaphat did when he saw God totally destroy his enemies through having them destroy themselves.  We don’t know how He will do it, We just know that He will, because the Word says so.
John was with The Word, Jesus, as He walked this earth.  John personally heard Him say that He was the Way, the truth, and the Life.  John saw His power as He raised the dead, and healed the sick, and forgave sins, and fed over 5,000 with 5 small loaves of bread, and 2 small fish, with abundance running over.  He personally saw miracle after miracle.  John also saw the frightened apostles turn into people of power and miracles when they finally believed the Words of Christ, and received the Holy Spirit.
Let us accept the words of an eye witness, and the words of Christ Himself, and remember who we are.
Blessings and love to you, and yours, God’s Beloveds.  For it is written in the Word, that we are greatly blessed, highly favored, and deeply loved in Christ our Lord.  Let us walk in this truth.
Poppa B.,
Abundant Life Christian Fellowship, On Line
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