“Full Rights of Sons” Galatians 3

Back in the day, I was a Firestone Franchised Dealer in Victoria Texas.  We were partners in three Stores, two Retail, and a Commercial Truck Tire Center under the name of C.O. Farmer Firestone.  I was also President of the School Board, Chairman of Deacons in our Church, and served on several boards in the community such as United Way, and Chamber of Commerce, etc. I was busy, busy, busy.

Fortunately the Lord sent some awesome, outstanding men and women to help take care of the Business in my absence, and they always ‘had my back’ – for which I will be eternally grateful.  There were Meetings and more Meetings of course with all of the different responsibilities, and most were behind closed doors to have the most efficient use of time.
There were many times that I asked for calls to be held, and messages to be taken so that we could stay focused on the issue at hand.  However, there were always standing orders.  If my Family called, they were to be put through – no exceptions.  My wife, my daughter, my son, took priority over everything because I told them they did.  They had full rights to say, “I understand he is busy, but I need to talk to him.”  They got through.
So it is with our Father in Heaven.  When we (His Children) call, we can be assured, we will get through.  The Word says, “So in Christ Jesus you are children of God through faith.”  (Galatians 3:26)  The Word says, “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”(Galatians 3:29)
We are His children.  We are one in Christ Jesus. We are joint heirs.  We have full rights of access to Him, because He has given them to us.
May we never ever think our ‘Abba Father’, is too busy to listen and talk, and respond.  Let us go boldly to the Throne of Grace and ask for everything we may need.   He has given us the right to expect Him to do just that.  His Word of truth proclaims that fact to all who will believe .
Have a wonderful rest of the week, precious Child of God. ‘Oh, how He loves you and Me.’? How blessed we are.
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