Happy Father’s Day.!

HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all of our Fathers!!!    May your Children rise up and call you blessed!!!

I am privileged to be a Dad, and a Grand-Dad.  I must say it is a joy that is beyond words.  I am blessed with a son, and a daughter, and a grandson.
My Dad, who is now with the Lord, was the sweetest, kindest, toughest, Guy I have ever known. Oh, the stories I could tell.  He loved everybody, and everybody seemed to love Him.  He was not a highly educated man from a formal school but He was very wise; learned from the school of life. I will not take the time to tell the many many  things he taught me, but suffice it to say, He was my Mentor, my Model for the man that I have aspired to be for my children, and for my life’s work.  Thanks Dad.  My love for you gets stronger as the years go by.
 No doubt most of us could share wonderful memories of a Dad we would like to emulate. The things he did, and the impact he had on our life that makes up a great part of who we are today.  Sadly there are some who do not have those kinds of memories –  for various reasons.  My heart goes out to you if you are someone who did not, or do not have an earthly Dad in your life, or if that person who is your biological Father is not the Daddy he should be.  I am very sorry.  But the Good News is, the Dad that is Dad of us all – our Heavenly Father – is the Dad we can all celebrate today.
The Bible tells us that Jesus calls Father God, Daddy.  A term of respect and endearment. In the Gospel of Mark, we read the words of Jesus as He said, “Abba Father, everything is possible for You.  Take this cup from Me. Yet not what I will, but what You will.”(Mark 14:36)   (The word Abba is Aramaic for Daddy.)  In the Book of Galatians, the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write: “Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” (Galatians 4:6)  We have all become His Children through faith in Christ Jesus who took away all of our trespasses by His shed blood at the cross, and took us to Father justified, and pure, and as One with Him.  Father God is our Daddy.  The Word tells us that He is Love, and that Love never fails us. The Word tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us. That He is our provider and protector. That He puts a song in our heart, and peace into our soul. That He gives us wisdom, and knowledge and understanding to live this life in victory over it.  He walks with us through it.  He wants us with Him as His family for all time to come.
 As Paul wrote: “l keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. so that you may know Him better.(Ephesians 1:17)
He is our Daddy to celebrate.
Let us celebrate Him, and all the Dads – whether they be biological and fulfilling the role in every way, or Mom’s standing in and doing both jobs, or a man stepping in for another and is always there for the kids.  Let us be there for them today.  Let us let them know of our love for them.
 HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!  May you be blessed in all things, and in all ways, God’s Dads.  You are greatly Loved, and so appreciated.
Poppa B.
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