Holy Week. Jesus said, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” John 12:23

 ‘Holy Week’ is a time of reflection, and Thanksgiving.  A time to celebrate the gift of life for mankind, and the days to the event we call Easter.  Christians around the world celebrate in many different ways doing many different things to show their love and appreciation for the life, and death, and resurrection of Jesus, our Christ, our Savior, our Lord, our King.  Son of man, Son of God.

Somewhere along the line, the Easter Bunny was brought in to distract us from what this day is all about, but it changes nothing for those who are in Christ.  We look to the Word instead of the world.
We see how the Lamb of God, Son of God, chosen before the creation of man to save mankind was given mortal life by the Holy Spirit and born into the flesh to become Son of Man.  He lived approximately 30 years before He began His earthly Ministry.  He spent the next 3 years or so selecting and training His Disciples to carry the Good News Message to the world after He had gone back to the Father. He did so many ‘other things’ that the Apostle John said, ” If everyone of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” (John 21:25)
But it all led up to one week. One divine act.   As we read in the Gospels, it was a week where He entered Jerusalem as a Hero, later to be turned on, where He gave last instructions to His Disciples as He celebrated the Passover meal with them, gave us His command to “Love one another”, prayed for us and over us, and told us the Holy Spirit would come to live in us after He went home,  allowed Himself to be arrested and falsely tried as a criminal, was beaten so badly His flesh was torn to the bone and His blood poured out so that our sins and sickness and sorrows could be put on Him.  He then allowed Himself to be placed on a cross between two criminals to give His life for us and to allow His blood to seal the new Covenant of Grace for us. And as He died as a Son of Man, He said, “It is finished.” (John 19:30) The task He had come to do was done.   The hour had come for Him to be glorified.  Father allowed every sin of every man woman and child to be forgiven and forgotten by what Jesus had done as we accept His precious gift. He tore away the veil of separation and gave grace and complete access to whosoever would come to Him through Christ Jesus.   He is the “Way, the truth, and the Life.”  (John 14:6)
Let us meditate deeply upon the love our God of Goodness has for us as we move through this week.  May Jesus be glorified in our hearts as we think of what He has done for us.
God’s blessings and love upon you, and yours, my Brothers and my Sisters in Christ Jesus.  Son of Man. Son of God.
Poppa B.
Abundant Life Christian Fellowship, On Line
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